Friday, July 27, 2007

Today was good

Ok... I just watched the video for Matisyahu's song "king without a crown" for the third time.
Thats were I got the title for my blogs...
I like the energy and the unexpected delivery man of such beautiful verses :-)
"i give myself to you from the essence of my being,
and i sing to my God, songs of love and healing"

So... I sent out an email last night to the contact list, requesting testimonies from yoga students waiting for the new studio to open. An idea for creating proof of an existing clientele I developed to help the property owners realize that there is a great demand for the yoga center. Having 100+ letters for them to see should help the studio's chances of obtaining a lease.

It is humbling to see the students' comments of their experiences with yoga. Also enlightening to hear of the deeper growth and changes that occur... beyond the obvious physical ones. That is why i will always be a humble, supportive assistant in this yoga lifestyle pursuit... a king without a crown. The Ego may accept one, but the Heart will always shine the truth.

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