Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter cleaning

Most people do it in Spring, but NOT me!
Seems like when the days are shortest, I spend the most time in the house,
Then I notice the dust, the mess, untidiness, clutter, etc...

I've heard about that show that depicts "hoarders"
I could never be like that, but its during this cleaning season,
that I think I understand how they might have started...

It isn't easy to throw stuff away when there is still use to be had with the item!
Even if it is a Surfer or Climbing magazines... seriously!
So I will give them to students during the next semester,
if they scoff at the idea, then they go to the library used book sale & they can deal with it :-)

But the best part is the cleaniness...
How did I not notice all that hair & dust?!?
Things seem so bright afterwards :-)
My mind evens feels less cluttered walking around my space :-P

Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT a pig (oink!)
I just know life is short and I want to spend as much of it having fun,
And save those dirty jobs for when there is nothing better to do or it's raining outside
Or maybe I'll just get a maid... I know they would be worth the $
Then I will focus on play, fun & personal hygiene :-)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Trouble in Paradise?

I assume everyone has moments of doubt,
questioning their existence or path they are on...
Makes me have some sympathy for those that "bail out" and commit suicide :-(
It's sad, because the Light shines the Brightest after the Darkness

Today, or actually lately...
I have had my questions, wondering my whys and why nots!
Sorta silly really, knowing deep down the Truth of the MANY Blessings I receive,
but "cloudy days" are part of living?

Transitions can be difficult for rebellious bulls like me,
though I am reminded that I get a say in these patterns that flow into my life.
Sometimes its the weight of the responsibility for making the appropriate choice or choosing to act
that gets me twisting or standing still...

Holiday Season tends to add to the mix some years, this one was interesting
Family with its "unconditional love"... really? does it exist??
I get it from the youngest of the clan, but everyone else seems so programmed :-(
Fake-ness has never been a quality I am good at or want to overlook.

The Sanctuary I live in always seems to help, but now it is resetting...
Been looking for another person to share this cool place by the sea
and uncertainty has seemed to wash over me!

But got a reminder today from the Venezuelan guy looking at the place...
He loved it, giving me hope that someone else recognizes this gem.
Now choosing the options that lie before me...

His words echo in my mind, since I was asking for Guidance only hours earlier..
"Man, LIVE and enjoy your Good Life!" :-)

Thanks Adolfo... the sunset looked particularly spectacular tonight!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Solo Session

Today was the first time that I have had an empty classroom...

I kind of expected it,
no one showed up all day or last night either for any of our Drop-In classes.
Can't blame them...
with the rain and the fact that school is out with Christmas days away :-)

There have a couple of other times were I didn't think anyone would show, but they did
Sometimes I kind of hoped they wouldn't, but they would... haha
Once I even had a room of 18, when a minute before class there was no one around

Today, I kinda hoped for a solo session...
just me in the room with some good tunes
working on a freeform flow
Didn't hope actually, since I thought I might "jinx" it from happening,
or have the Yoga Police come arrest me for indecent, selfish intentions :-)

But no one out and the line up to ourselves is a dream all surfers have,
sometimes... dreams come true!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Practice makes perfect

I have been told for years this secret,
and time has shown me that it is truth...
Anything we do has room for improvement,
depends how much time and effort we allow ourselves, to discover what that could be.

As I have witness the calendar turn its pages,
I have come to use it to my advantage...
Though I might not "be that good" now,
Time is sure to spin its magic along with my practice.

I make it a game now,
searching for what I might enjoy to experience...
Then weaving together these elements from the Spark of the Divine,
experiencing alchemy in delicious quantity :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Copy Cat

my version,
"you should consider it a great compliment"
Cut and Paste (CTRL+C - CTRL+V)
cheater? (!)

My other blog, focuses on what inspires me to dream, laugh and reflect in some way...
I love to attend a concert and listen to live music or go to an art show...
They always inspire me to go home and play my instruments or draw up some plans for an art piece.

Attending a good yoga class also stimulates new avenues to share this exploration of our form and energy... the next time I lead a class. The past weekend had me sharing some new flows and ways to challenge our limbs and minds tonight. Thanks Kira, Winifred and Casey for sparking a great session. I also seemed to be channeling some good humor too :-)

I do know that this year's gift giving will be unique though :-)