Sunday, July 22, 2007

Timeless Man

So i was minding my business or really.. the thoughts in my head.
i like to ride and to spin mantras... recipes of blessing and creating :-)
So i run into a very old friend... he actually is in his forties and i see him out of the corner of my eye. I have a knack for that... seeing, being aware... noticing, kinda blows me away. Most times I go unnoticed, which is a blessing if i want alone time, but this occation i turn back and say hi. He went to my grammer school and married a friend's sister, a very nice person,
The discussion was great, reflecting on family... etc...
But its interesting when "catching up", because to share my journey is like the wildest adventure i could ever imagine. Time stands still, but i have lived so much and have so much more to live. Of course the talk always comes to marriage and children... both goals of mine, but the kind that i will not force. The art of allowing has not brought them forward yet...
It makes me feel timeless... all the places I've been and people I've meet, in such a short time! And there is so much more to experience... i'm blessed and willing to "hang on" for the more adventures that lie ahead.

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