Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the Sower

As I left the class today...
I realized that I "lost It" in class.
The "It" is like "that Voice"... the guidance that is always with me.
I mean... I didn't really lose IT, I just got distracted.

The technique I guess I've developed is to not tune in too far into this person or that person...
So I don't get too distracted as I am guided.
The "juicy people" aren't so bad if you play with them, cause there actually helping to a-tract, not dis-tract :-)
They are filling up... obviously and thats where were all "headed"

The other people are like trying to water hard, dry earth I guess.
You can see the info "beading on the surface", but it doesn't seem to absorb.
That can be distracting to me, because in a room full of people... I don't always get a chance to help "poke a hole" so "some gets in" :-) But at least It was on the surface for that while I guess.

So the Voice said as I drove home...
This "watering" your doing... a farmer doesn't stop the sprinklers when he notices this "hard soil."
He just keeps at It from day to day :-) The seeds will sprout when They are ready.
You don't need to be distracted about WHEN that time will be... only focus on THIS moment.

Which brings me back to my mission...
I am about planting and nurturing Seeds of Light. I Love to see them grow and I'm shown these sprouts from time to time.
But I don't need to see the Fruit of this process, I believe in the process.
So I will continue to be a Sower...

From now I will look at these moments like tonight and KNOW that some "water" is always absorbed...
Trusting in the journey each Soul is on and that the Path will unfold as needed.
I will focus on attracting the nutrients and spreading them as I am guided,
Letting Love take care of it from there.

Friday, November 13, 2009

the Crib vibe lives on...

I know its been awhile since I wrote my thoughts down here.
It's not because i haven't had any... as if thats even possible :-)

Well... I know it is possible and IT is the level I am reaching towards.
I had an excellent time at this year's Crib
Being in Ojai... sharing time with the Peeps and bathing in all the Love that we create together as a yoga community!
Can't believe this was my fourth romp through the playground!!!
Oh Kira.. how fortunate I am that you picked up my call that faithful day 3+yrs ago and created my first experience... forever grateful!

Had all new teachers this time around and Erich again of course :-) The dharma chat was great as usual... hope he liked the goodies I shared!
Fell in love Uma as i played dj for her dances :-)
I've been incorporating her words into my life and sharing them with the classes I have been leading...
I choose to have "beautiful eyes" and to see the unmanifested potential in all moments. To be a wise man and to forget suffering and see the positive in each minute.

It's fun to share enlightening truths with the students as we experience our asana practice. It must be working since the hours I teach, the room has been packed with people bringing their friends for our good times. I love it that they come to laugh and smile as we tune in to our own alignment. I'm sure that Uma and Kira would be pleased to see these moments that we share during our Wednesday nights.

Been playing "the sir mix alot" yoga dj...
Hanging in poses as Marley, Johnny Cash, Beatles, Pearl Jam, U2, JohnMayer, Jack Johnson, Earth, Wind & Fire blast out the tunes... haha just showing them that it is "legal" to bend the "rules" and search are "limits" and make each moment "ours."
I don't mean to tip sacred cows... only to "reinvent the wheel"... show that not all circles have to be round.
As we search for the Truth we must ask why and question the answers and accept the revelations...
And be willing to listen to our Heart for directions!