Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Beginnings

Another Trip around the Sun starts today!
Marking the end of What WAS and a beginning of Now IS :-)
Reflections on the Past to sort through what worked and which might benefit from adjustment...

Cleaning out the pockets, glove box, and the backpacks
Making room for the next group of Blessings...

Resolutions and Rules not necessary, when Growth has shed It's light upon us,
like punishment isn't necessary for mistakes & "slight errors in judgement"
Humanness doesn't need reminders of our fragility or abusive responses to our learning process...

May this trip be one where we ALL find Peace and make the shift to follow Our Hearts,
So that quiet Anahata voice may be heard more clearly,
and Our eyes see what is written on Our Souls,
with Our arms reaching out and sharing this bountiful Love...

Let this lines up... 1-1-11
start this needed process back to what we came here to accomplish and experience,
It is in Each of Us,
May we see these reflects from each Other and strengthen Our conviction...
And be willing to make that Leap of Faith :-)

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