Yeah... Most people do it in Spring, but NOT me! Seems like when the days are shortest, I spend the most time in the house, Then I notice the dust, the mess, untidiness, clutter, etc...
I've heard about that show that depicts "hoarders" I could never be like that, but its during this cleaning season, that I think I understand how they might have started...
It isn't easy to throw stuff away when there is still use to be had with the item! Even if it is a Surfer or Climbing magazines... seriously! So I will give them to students during the next semester, if they scoff at the idea, then they go to the library used book sale & they can deal with it :-)
But the best part is the cleaniness... How did I not notice all that hair & dust?!? Things seem so bright afterwards :-) My mind evens feels less cluttered walking around my space :-P
Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT a pig (oink!) I just know life is short and I want to spend as much of it having fun, And save those dirty jobs for when there is nothing better to do or it's raining outside Or maybe I'll just get a maid... I know they would be worth the $ Then I will focus on play, fun & personal hygiene :-)
I assume everyone has moments of doubt, questioning their existence or path they are on... Makes me have some sympathy for those that "bail out" and commit suicide :-( It's sad, because the Light shines the Brightest after the Darkness
Today, or actually lately... I have had my questions, wondering my whys and why nots! Sorta silly really, knowing deep down the Truth of the MANY Blessings I receive, but "cloudy days" are part of living?
Transitions can be difficult for rebellious bulls like me, though I am reminded that I get a say in these patterns that flow into my life. Sometimes its the weight of the responsibility for making the appropriate choice or choosing to act that gets me twisting or standing still...
Holiday Season tends to add to the mix some years, this one was interesting Family with its "unconditional love"... really? does it exist?? I get it from the youngest of the clan, but everyone else seems so programmed :-( Fake-ness has never been a quality I am good at or want to overlook.
The Sanctuary I live in always seems to help, but now it is resetting... Been looking for another person to share this cool place by the sea and uncertainty has seemed to wash over me!
But got a reminder today from the Venezuelan guy looking at the place... He loved it, giving me hope that someone else recognizes this gem. Now choosing the options that lie before me...
His words echo in my mind, since I was asking for Guidance only hours earlier.. "Man, LIVE and enjoy your Good Life!" :-)
Thanks Adolfo... the sunset looked particularly spectacular tonight!
Today was the first time that I have had an empty classroom...
I kind of expected it, no one showed up all day or last night either for any of our Drop-In classes. Can't blame them... with the rain and the fact that school is out with Christmas days away :-)
There have a couple of other times were I didn't think anyone would show, but they did Sometimes I kind of hoped they wouldn't, but they would... haha Once I even had a room of 18, when a minute before class there was no one around
Today, I kinda hoped for a solo session... just me in the room with some good tunes working on a freeform flow Didn't hope actually, since I thought I might "jinx" it from happening, or have the Yoga Police come arrest me for indecent, selfish intentions :-) But no one out and the line up to ourselves is a dream all surfers have, sometimes... dreams come true!
I have been told for years this secret, and time has shown me that it is truth... Anything we do has room for improvement, depends how much time and effort we allow ourselves, to discover what that could be.
As I have witness the calendar turn its pages, I have come to use it to my advantage... Though I might not "be that good" now, Time is sure to spin its magic along with my practice. I make it a game now, searching for what I might enjoy to experience... Then weaving together these elements from the Spark of the Divine, experiencing alchemy in delicious quantity :-)
Reflection... my version, replication... "you should consider it a great compliment" "Ditto" Cut and Paste (CTRL+C - CTRL+V) cheater? (!) imitator
My other blog, focuses on what inspires me to dream, laugh and reflect in some way... I love to attend a concert and listen to live music or go to an art show... They always inspire me to go home and play my instruments or draw up some plans for an art piece.
Attending a good yoga class also stimulates new avenues to share this exploration of our form and energy... the next time I lead a class. The past weekend had me sharing some new flows and ways to challenge our limbs and minds tonight. Thanks Kira, Winifred and Casey for sparking a great session. I also seemed to be channeling some good humor too :-)
I do know that this year's gift giving will be unique though :-)
There was a night in Ojai...
I was not sure where I would lay my head,
or what direction my path was leading me...
I have those moments some times, they can grasp me whether I am on the Spanish coast,
in the farmer's market parking lot... or lying in my bed.
Moments where the passage of time seems to weigh on my soul.
This movie and this song remind me again,
I am in this World, but Not of This World...
I guess that is why being in the ocean, hiking up mountains and clinging to rock is so healing to me,
Reminders of the Mission I have taken...
turning mistakes into Gold!
And although He constantly has to remind me that I am never alone,
Its songs like this that help my Soul sing this blessed Truth :-)
I was sitting on my bike the other day, by the pier... on my way to work out
Its a place that I kind of meditate... connecting with the ocean, birds, & sky... while watching the others around.
A spot of opening up to the moment and listening for guidance,
INteresting how this location is in the middle of a public place
One situation arises on occasion here... usually a Saturday afternoon
There being a group of religious people who come to "share the Bible"
They used to bring a big stuffed, semi-mechanical standing ape (?)
And always! with a soapbox to stand on
The progression of their "sharing" is always the same... finding someone to put "on the spot" for judgement
Leading to being labeled a liar, cheater, adulterer, and sinner, etc...
I always leave having wanted to discuss this blasphemously arrogant display by a follower of God
So this one day, a man sitting on the steps in front of me stands up to hand me a small note...
Leads us to having a conversation about that group and their display.
I can feel & hear this man's faith, quoting scripture quite well.
It is obvious that we are speaking of the same God, source of Everything...
But then he tells me no, my wisdom is incorrect... somehow I am not on the same trail leading Home
This makes me quietly laugh, feeling my true compassion rising...
I guess I can accept two children looking at the same Father and one seeing a Loving provider and the other fearful(?) of a condemning ruler... even after discussing "His Chosen Son's words," the two brothers see things with different views.
I appreciate moments like that, it's like looking in a mirror...
I think thats what we do for each other, why we have relationships.
Each of us holding up Our Mirror as steady as we can for others to peer into and See Themselves...
I know it Ain't easy, but much growth can be shared when we are truly willing.
Patience, compassion, understanding, awareness, discernment, confidence, humbleness, appreciation, curiosity...
This exercise can be very enlightening and strengthen one's journey through this lifetime.
You must have heard the song by Michael Jackson,
Here it is again to remind you of what is written on your Heart :-)
I dedicate this song to all those who have let me look into Their Mirror and have been willing to Look in Mine...
Hey, I don't want to blow your Buzz...
but you gotta hear Dr. Gil's talk about Fuzz!
I'm not saying this just Becuzz,
It will change things from how they Wuzz...
For Sure :-)
Please Note: If you are eating a turkey sandwich, please finish your meal before viewing this clip!
The other day...
I heard by chance between songs on a radio station that someone died.
It was Andy.
I shouted out loud there in my car in disbelief, NO WAY! :-(
I was shocked, it was like a part of me was now gone?! Strange feeling...
I didn't know Andy on a personal level, but it is true that a brother has now gone Home to our Father
Thanks for the memories Andy and reminding us all that this life is not very long...
Saw a guy named Peter at Mother's today, from the days I taught at the Hot Yoga Studio He was around when i started teaching yoga and during the 2 year run we had at that place. He came over to tell me how grateful he was for the community I helped create, Appreciative of the time we all shared back then.
It felt good to remember those times, me the rookie... somehow helping get first-timers hooked on asana practice. It was an amazing time as I learned to allow the Truth to flow through me those days, haha I told Peter that I too was thankful and expressing those emotions would help us all have more of it in our lives. We are so magnetic for that which we express appreciation towards, need to move past that which doesn't serve us.
So my produce shopping seemed a little more joyful after that and the my moments forward a little brighter. Even later when i noticed another person who had been a student in many classes with me, went about her shopping & acted like she had never seen me before? haha Life is funny that way :-)
I sometimes feel like a unique primate sitting on my beach watching the World
Every year, I come Home... when I participate with my brothers and sisters at the Crib I think it might be like what Heaven will be when I eventually cross over and drop this suit of skin Souls re-linking and embracing the Truth... we are all One Like these last few days have shown... in makes my Heart sing :-)
I know I say it every year... this was the Best one so far Can there be a higher peak or a loftier level of Bliss? I am willing to seek it out and manifest it
I am thankful to Kira and feel fortunate to have been able to look her in the eyes and express it... I share with you this last song I played to with Erich today on Med Mount. May we ALL Breathe, and let the Heart hear
Been thinking about you for a long... long time i KNOW the turn to reply was mine... Spending my days in the sunshine, But want to let you see that I am fine :-)
I've been hooked on watching the Food Network... for quite a while now It's like watching artist create their master pieces... things that you can imagine creating or enjoying with your teeth :-) There is even a guy named Alton who breaks down cooking into the science of combining molecules.., My latest favorite show is Chopped!
It is a clever spin off of Iron Chef I guess, Pitting several chefs with crazy combinations of ingredients... Competition and the time factor make it a fun watch.
Flexibility and cleverness with bringing together elements that might not seem to go together... Like a class full of Ninja-Ashtanga yoginis and Stiff White guys! Finding a way to feel good about what you present and having your "audience" feel satisfied :-) (please refrain from betting on who wins)
I had to work a GradFest last night... Bunch of High School Seniors just released from @12 years of lessons from our "Church of Reason" I can remember mine... not having a clue what was next though I had gotten a good job months before. Though its been some years, I still don't let age (trips around the Sun) cloud the bigger picture. It was fun to talk with them as they tried out climbing... Made me think of how nieve I must have looked, but also maybe how mature I was for that time...
It was kind of a surreal day since I had to be prepared to work till 5am Was surprised to see almost all 300 climb our rockwall! Which helped to keep us busy and less tired :-) But it is crazy working "the graveyard shift"... Driving home at 5:30am looked just like the freeway at 8:30pm! Would have been cooler to be riding through a sleepy hollow...
Got home in time for a pre-dawn surf... but not enough swell :-(
Haven't posted lately, though have had things to say... or type :-) Part of what i like about my lifestyle lately is that there are "seasons"... Not so much to do with weather, but phases of responsibilities as I assist others in their pursuits of education somehow.
Like i spoke of in an earlier post, The Sower... i imagine that i am like Johnny Appleseed, Planting seeds of Truths and personal revelations so maybe IT will grow and assist someone else later. As others have done for me... Paying IT forward somehow.
So during summertime, I only have to focus on yoga once a week and kids learning to climb... Never would have guessed to BE here, but that is Life, "Mysteriously" providing what makes us Happy somehow.
This month has been about creating a summer break "bucket list" ThingS I would like to DO in my free time... SO many ideas, places, people and adventures. Putting them out there so they can manifest SOMEHOW :-)
Since I am responsible for the fitness classes here... I assume I must accept responsibility for what we offer to some extent. Part of the focus of the job is to also offer students a chance to develop as instructors, probably my favorite part of this journey, though it is challenging at times :-) I have been fortunate with the yoga classes, to have found a school that had been operating through the kinesiology department for several years. But this semester I have allowed someone not "officially certified"... unless you count 24 hour Fitness - training :-P I was amused during the interview when I asked for this person's interpretation of what yoga is... and what their PiYO class was like. Pretty much decided right there that they would only be teaching other fitness classes. But Life flows as it should and Things aligned for her to teach a yoga class(?) Ok, I don't like to go against what Is to Be. (though I had my doubts, I'm in human form at the moment after all) haha
I have been pleasantly surprised to find students enjoying the class... The personality most co-workers find from this individual isn't what comes across in her class apparently. So life flows on as it should, but one thing still lurks in the shadow. Why must most teachers "claim" "their students" ?!?
This week I had "one of her students" come and ask if the teacher would be back, since there was a sub that night. Enquiring feedback on the perceived difference between instructors made me wonder if I might be allowing a disservice? Does one odd apple cause the other apples to appear incorrect? When I know on a certain level that the truth is actually inverse?! I do Believe in "different strokes for different folks"... but may a misinterpretation lead to a lifetime of false expectations?
I caught myself somewhat defending one instructor, while kinda pointing out a false comparison by this novice. Not a situation I like to see myself address... since this is a territory that the Ego loves to roam. Not a dance i choose to engage with very often. But I do admit to question what part I may play in "leading" this program I have been given to facilitate.
In my past I was educated by a surf buddy who traditionally trained to teach a Pilates mat class. (He really frowned on mixing Yoga & Pilates... which I also have come to support). I was turned on to Joseph's Contrology methods... and have much respect for this leader and the movement that was ahead of it's time & continues to live on. I also hold a great deal of admiration & respect for Krishnamacharya & our other Forefathers...
PiYO or Yogilates... seems like a cheap re-packaging of somethings too big to try and "re-invent'.
I do know and understand how some people gravitate to certain teachers, It has gotten more obvious as i have learned to differentiate Light from Darkness... I choose to hold a higher level of ethics for myself, but where must I draw the line when dealing with others? Sometimes it is hard to hear the Heart, when the Mind & Ego shout their distractions!
It is times like these that I return my focus to the task at hand... and continue on my personal path... What is Yoga? :-)
So I must admit that I love sharing yoga... Was at a NIRSA Conference ALL DAY, but still went in to teach class. Got some good info during one of the session about adherence to an exercise program, so I put it into action :-)
The theme lately has been connecting; re-membering our True & unlimited nature. The tip was to connect with the students and work towards getting all of there names, which isn't easy in my arrangement and past rebelliousness of expecting others to know my name. There has been a new level of Peace lately, a maturing to the PAth I am on... I felt it more so today as I mingled with so many today and before class.
Been playing the CD Joe burnt for us: called BREAD, A more "traditional soundtrack" then what I've been spinnin' this semester :-P Tried to flow off of what we had done the previous week, even read over my notecard... haha Surya Namaskar A has been the backbone of the "asana core-e-aw-gra-fee-king" I've been experimenting with.
The mental note was about Conscious: the sub-, the -ness, and the Ego. Cueing about the Sparkly Ego... honest Awareness, humble acceptance and patient determination. Sometimes the visual is that lone tree... separated from the forest, but still part of the Whole. Like me today, a lone wolf roaming around for Truth, gems for my Path... but somehow separated.
Today's session Also had a reminder about Being aware of that part that critiques, judges and distracts us from our moments, Cultivating an awareness of when the Heart speaks. And when that OTHER part contradicts "reality."
During class... I love when Song #5 comes on! Reminds me of SlumDog Millionaire... Which lead me to remind everyone that there are no coincidences... each moment building upon the last and preparing us for the next moment (hopefully). Sometimes the question comes before the answer, but I Know The One usually prepares us first... so we are ready for our Tests.
Which leads me to share this card I found for a friend... There is only one minute in which you are alive, this minute, here and now. The only way to live is by accepting each minute as an unrepeatable miracle. Which is exactly what it is - a miracle and unrepeatable. - Storm Jameson
Today's class was about reconnecting to the Source... Of course we have many religions discussing and telling us What that Is. My point is that their Is Something and in Yoga we are taking time to "get online" as Erich talks about in his class. We even did a little free-form yoga at the end before savasana... I guess today was one of my versions of Papa Bear's class vibe, Though I didn't have the time for those great pauses, as he speaks, that I love so much...
So starting with some of that dialogue, it lead us into alternate nostril breathing. Syncing both hemispheres of our brain, the inhale with the exhale... Noticing the four parts of the breathe. Having the students notice if the mind becomes involved. I shared as a surfer, how holding the finished exhale is like the oddest thing for me... This reminds me of a place where I am trapped under the waves, waiting for my freedom & the surface. So I remind that we don't have to react to the mind's fears or distractions... I like to remind these things to help in setting the tone for the practice of awareness.
My intention was to flow more quickly into postures and try to make the class a little more challenging. I did a little cheat sheet of reminders right before class, of things we could do during some of the sequences... But I never did look at it and ended up pretty much doing them all :-) I did play "the BREAD" CD from the Jam Session... love it!
Several students brought friends and I can hear the whispers of anticipation of my "humouristic flow." I did start with a "let's get to business" approach and the class seemed very receptive of my lesson. But the silly, "riddling of science and spirit" (not sure what to call it?), of course was there to keep things Light. I know it is my style of teaching and since they come, I accept this journey of sharing yoga. Erich really captures it in this video... "as I get into this... I'm talking about YOGA"
So on the drive home this night, I don't second guess, or disagree with what occurred or critique the process of what was done... I think I was able to be more centered going in, though I was a little nervous (not sure why?)
I still had a minor expectation (private matter of the heart) :-) But felt like I did well channeling the Truth... Better than other nights?? Not sure... I think I always seem to, for the most part. Was it because "I did everything on the list"... NO
Funny, there were a few people that left during the class, which doesn't happen usually... I guess some people don't need a whole hours dose of Asana :-) Maybe this evening I got the DSL high speed hook up. I do feel good about what we were all able to download.
One Note: I did mention during class how students have always chosen to sit at the feet of the Masters... and as Uma said "the mind clears and becomes blank." Instantaneously Present. I came to realize that their must be some cool "WiFi hook up" in those instances...
I give Thanks to the Masters who were present Tonight :-)
I had an experience on Saturday that has stuck with me for awhile... Strange how it came to be, but obviously was meant to happen.
As a teacher... it is a unique tool we have to hold space, to reach to the place the student is at, to try and "see" where they are "coming from." This requires us to hold our own space while we keep the "impeccable boundaries" that are between us For we are a "conduit" for the Higher Powers. Only to lead, not to take on anything.
So the lesson I received was interesting because I have for years now, usually stated during our final twisting poses to "look towards your blind spot". Which is a clever way to have the students get the transverse motion in their cervical spine. This is a great way to get the full benefits of the posture and I've even had some older people come back and "thank me for saving them from having an accident." Which always makes me laugh and remind them that they are the one to be grateful for doing their work. :-) So on Saturday, as Eric and were driving up to Lake Arrowhead to go climb... We came onto a scene where this motorcyclist had been downed by another driver. Passing only feet from him in the middle of the freeway and seeing his friend on his knees beside him with that look in his eyes. I cannot forget... and there was nothing any of us could do. Its moments like that, that seems to make our lives move in slow motion. With the unenviable Truth that reminds us of how temporary this all is for us. I have been saying for many class sessions lately, "look in your blind spot... there may be a motorcyclist there!" It really rang true this weekend.
When your going climbing, imagining what was going on in this friend's head and the feelings in his heart... I really had to practice keeping those boundaries. And you can wonder about all the "what ifs" and "what kind of sign is this for me?" But FEAR is a bastard and the Truth will only get fogged by it... I know God never wastes opportunities to teach us.
So I am reminded of the frailty in this life... To witness others, but walk my own path. To be true to the teachings I am given and share them with as many others as possible. To realize when you find the climb you hiked 40 minutes for and find the first bolt "missing?!"... that it may not be worth it to climb up 25ft to clip the "second" with no protection.
THIS life is NOT for very long, but I will do my part to enjoy it and get as much of it as possible. Its a fine line some times, make the most it and don't forget the blind spots!
I've been focusing on a mental theme, as well as a physical goal when teaching classes this semester... For me, a good class has some verbal lessons as well as some challenging poses. As Kira reminded us, we teach what we need ourselves... I look to combine compassion with determination.
So this last class incorporated the words from the movie I watched last weekend called Little Children. The older woman in the movie told her son something about how humans go on through life though we know we will lose everything. As Jaime stated in her article... "we are all on a journey on a ship that is doomed to sink." Yet... we go on because deep-down we know the only thing we have is Love. LOVE is all there is...
I'm always amazed how the class session goes, because somehow the mental theme comes together... not always easy since we only have an hour & most students are there for "the work-out" :-) But I was even able to link in the movie the Titanic, keeping with the Kate Winslet theme! There is always quite a bit of laughter... and they keep coming back, so something is happening for the better.
Still, there have been many of nights on the way home from class, That I catch myself questioning what the !!!! am I doing??! I ultimately whittle it down to some type of expectation... Which always seems to humble me and allow for the compassion to heal.
As I mentioned in the last Jam Session we had... I anticipate this to "self-reflective, doubting, mental sparring" to someday end. SOONER, rather than later!! But I guess it would only mess up the vibe in which I find myself "co-teaching" with the Source. If thats the case - than I can take it :-)
It seems easier to remind others of their human-ness and quite silly for me to forget my own. But as Life shows us... it always comes back to us Full Circle, and we realize that all we have really... is LOVE
I don't care in what form these wonderful hydrogen and oxygen molecules get arranged... I'll take it as a liquid, so soothing as I glide through it - in it - on the surface even. Love it when the energy travels thousands of miles to create that flow and movement for me to play, 6+ feet of foam and fins, slicing up a face like a surgeon or artist painting on the blank canvas :-)
I'll take it as a frozen powder, so soft and cool. Nothing like making new tracks on the virgin whiteness, as if nobody has ever been there before me - ever. Though the wind may toss my hair, I cherish those silent moments - just me and the trees having a pillow fight with the pow-pow!
I'll take it as a vapor... cloud like ecstasy, with my wings spread wide. Flying on to greater heights, reminding me that I am more then this body. Sometimes I just stand on the cliffs edge, allowing the clouds to past right through me. I guess I actually do care and feel blessed that I get to experience the whole spectrum and even appreciate the other dimensions I may not be aware of... yet.
I've noticed that yoga for me, the asana practice is best when mixed with words and stories... Laughter is even better, since it does increase our vibration :-)
I've been using some idea/topic and rolling with it at the beginning of each class... This helps since there is a transition from the pilates class right before the session I teach. Connecting with the students and "setting a tone" seems to help me with the flow of class. An hour isn't very long, so tuning in to a certain theme gives us a path to follow. I am constantly amazed what comes up during the hour... The trick is to stay focused and open to what speaks to me, and through me. Allowing Truth to dictate our Pace and not let the mind "inter-fear" :-)
It has been a journey during these years of teaching and I am blessed to be inspired and to inspire others, Life is best when it it is shared with others. Balance those moments alone and enveloped by others... "Happiness is only real when it is shared"
Been truckin' up to Ojai the last couple months... Also seen good friends of my past... Great way to get the cobwebs cleared and shake up my comfort zone :-)
Been blessed to meet and learn from many Masters and everyday people willing to share the truth. It's good to Search, it's the only way to Find... Reflection, when it is done in a healthy manner and done with an appreciative heart... is an amazing experience! Seems to only strengthen my resolve to Walk the Path :-)
Sometimes I feel like I've lived many lifetimes in this Walk... plus the things I've been shown from other lifetimes humbles me for this Path. It is a great time to be Here Now. May I fulfill all that I am capable of doing and sharing...
... at the "after party" I was telling someone... "all we really got is this Body!"
Maybe thats why its so specific. Some kind of amazing time machine that can feel, plus have thoughts that lead to feelings and connects with everything around us...
Its a circular trip always coming back to you. Inner and outer journeys... Not much difference if you know how to "see"
A book talking about a finite universe, like the Earth and if we were to travel far enough, we would come back to a familiar place. Life is a circular path, coming back to that what we like and dislike so that we learn... we get it and then on to the next experiences until we come to the Center. This fights against the notion of infinity... you know that theory that has its own symbol with two circular patterns revolving back to each other. (turn your head 90 degrees and look at this symbol... 8 ...if you have forgotten :-)
Avatar movie depicts the Nonie of having that " cool, braided embilical cord" that they are able to connect with everything else in their world. Maybe that is what we are searching to find with our bodies... that way to really feel connection with life all around. And some complain about violence... must the fight always push up against someone else and to be about taking from them??! This world is abundance in action... and the Motion is always stirring up the next blessing or galaxy!