Saturday, September 26, 2009

Standing naked before the gods...

I have been leading yoga classes at school and it has been interesting...
Diving into that experience that started at a hot yoga studio and now trying "It" out in a recreation center.
With people that maybe have never done asana poses or understand anything about the lifestyle beyond the "workout".

The interesting thing is me and my connection with this "gift"
It is still present since the first day I led that class for the owners and other instructors back at the studio...
Was kinda shocking to witness it then, but I have come to embrace it :-)
Finding myself more comfortable as we explore our sessions, always willing to find a laugh or interlink reality with the infinite possibility!

Today I realized I am "standing naked before the gods"...
A term a teacher shared with us in History and Philosophy of Human Movement class.

Bareing your Being to the Source of All... complete honesty without judgement or thoughts of consequences.
A place I attempt to stand while in front of others that gather for insight with me... us, pursuing the Truth.
I have always enjoyed committing myself to an adventure, regardless of the outcome, truly in the moment.
Many of my hobbies require this focus and attention, so I try to bring It into every minute...

No it isn't always "easy," but to "fake-it" or "mail-it-in" ain't ever going to be my style!
Experience has allowed for this stance to be supported & guided...
and for that I am Eternally Grateful :-)

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