This past weekend was really good, 12 explorers looking for the "teacher within."
Kinda like a bunch of astronauts on an adventure to the other side of the moon...
The unknown being discovered, light being shone into areas that need illumination.
Exciting to be part of something totally new and spontaneous... surely meant for greatness.
I now feel like a modern-day Magellan...
Mapping pathways for others to follow and find the bliss that comes with yoga.
Creativity holds no bounderies for this exploration...
And I agree with Einstein that imagination is more important!
So since I've "sailed back to my home land"...
I continue to contemplate my journeys inward.
Conceptualizing trails for others to follow me, or actually find themselves.
It definitely is a Hero's Journey
The next step is into videotaping some of my "travels" & insights...
Definitely plans to be unscripted and spontaneous as these blogs.
Probably will only be able to view them once personally,
and then let them float off into the history known as the world wide web...
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