Friday, January 30, 2009

The truth will always prevail

I stand before you as an example of this statement...
As today reinforces that day some years ago when it was first revealed to me.
Actually I questioned the statement, "I'm going to be a teacher?" (somewhat incredulously!)
North Shore of Kauai, a Heaven on Earth.

I thought... don't you have to actually be able to stand in front of a bunch of people?!
And not have your throat dry up like you swallowed 30 cotton balls?!!!?
Isn't that something people do if they "can't cut it in the real world?" (Something I remember hearing as a fourth grader from some smart-ass classmate).

With kindness... the Great Spirit laugh that fateful day.

I'm sure I heard that same "laughter" echoing in my ears today as I stood in front of two groups of students.
Intent on learning from my gift of sharing, receiving insights into my surfing lifestyle.
So natural It has now become, whether on a mat, in the surf, on the end of a rope...
I see now how the Truth always prevails...

Honesty is the lubricant, I believe, that facilitates the Truth to Shine.
Sometimes we see it before our eyes are ready for It's Light (as I did that day).
Other times it comes tumbling out of our mouths as sweet as a Rumi song...
How I love to be that crystal stream that breeds such soothing revelations!

Be assured that Truth does not need justification from another or your own ego.
Trust is the Altar that It shall rest upon!
Be strong and brave for you are a beacon of the Beloved that has chosen to express...
Humbleness shall carry this Vibration for eternity... so release the moment and allow it to linger on your Heart...

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