Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Can we just get along...

Its been great listening to others this past month... so many opinions and well articulated ideals.
Life on a university campus is so alive and dynamic. Spent 20 mins the other day listening to discussions on both sides of the Prop 8 issue. Sometimes politics can create hostility, but its been quite refreshing this year. People are really into expressing their desires for improvement... its a great step forward.
It can be a sticky situation for some, but I love to ask for peoples' viewpoint.

Yoga is all about finding balance, what is needed & what is wanted. Most instructors this year at the Crib really focused on connecting and "allowing the pose to come to you." I used to hear that and think what the f@$k?!! But my time has come to understand and accept. Like all these private debates... if our foundation is strong, you can hear & do anything :-) Coming off some injuries, it was good medicine for me to be patient and tolerant of my current limitations.

This man's search for meaning does involve others... I do like to forge alone, but I do see we need each other.
I guess we must stand on each other's shoulders to reach our limits. And when those situations arise that stretch us to our edge, trust and faith must prevail. Reflection will reveal that there was a reserve or space for growth... so never "burn that bridge."

As the election results roll in, I hope we band together with our goals for change.
Partly why I write this blog is to share this song I found by father & son... makes my heart sing of peace with those in the past.
May peace be with you always...

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